《国际中文教师证书》面试的第5个环节即外文问答,共2题,时间为6分钟,分值为50分。考试语种有英语、阿拉伯语、俄语、法语、西班牙语、德语、韩语和日语(以考试报名通知为准)。 2个案例及问题均由考官现场给出。问题涉及教学组织与课堂管理、中华文化与跨文化交际两个方面。 【分值分配】 教学组织与课堂管理(20分) 中华文化与跨文化交际(20分) 语音语调及表达的流畅性(10分) 【案例答题思路】 1.教学组织相关的案例: 课前准备→课中策略→课后反思 2.课堂管理相关的案例: 与学生沟通→提供解决办法→搁置问题→课后解决 3.文化教学相关的案例: 阐述→对比→引导 4.跨文化交际相关的案例: 发现并反思→沟通、解决问题→寻求帮助 【英文问答实例分析】 问题: If someone is not actively engaging in a classroom activity, how would you handle the situation?(如果学生不认真参与课堂活动,你会怎么办?) 这个问题可以归为课堂管理类,主要考查面对学生的一些消极行为,我们会怎么做。首先我们要与学生沟通,找出他不愿意参加课堂活动的原因;然后给学生提供问题的解决方法;接着阐述如果发生某些极端情况,比如学生还是不愿意参加活动,我们的应对策略;最后说明课后我们要做的事情,比如与学生进一步沟通,自我反思或寻求帮助。 参考回答: First, I'd ask the student why they don't want to join. Maybe they like doing things alone, have some personal things to deal with, think the activity is too hard or easy, or they're just not interested. It's important to know why so I can find a solution. After that, I'll try to convince them to join, even if it's just a little. The activity is for everyone and it's good for them to be a part of it. I want them to know I care and want them to be included.At the same time, I'll offer them other ways to join, like a different role or task. I don't want them to feel left out. If they still don't want to join, I'll move on with the activity. I can't waste the whole class's time. After class, I'll talk to them again to understand their view better. If I can't solve it myself, I'll ask the school, my colleagues, or their parents for support. My goal is to create a positive learning environment that meets everyone's needs. |